Welcome one and welcome all
To my broad and brightest hall
A hall with neither roof nor floor
A hall without walls nor doors
A hall where all seasons meet
A hall where grass grows beneath your feet
A hall where daily weather unfolds
A hall where the nights are sharp and cold
A hall where the sky tops the ceiling
A hall with edges marked by railings
This is where I come to play
This is where the innocent stray
This is where I set the test
And I am the Wind and I come from the west.
But before we begin and make our introductions
I think it best you follow these instructions
Make a camera with your hands
And turn it up towards the sky
Find an animal in the clouds
It might be worm, walrus, fish or fly
And if the clouds have run away
Then frame tree bark or a crack in a wall
And spot your creatures shape today
Now in a moment of quiet reflection
Consider your creature with deep inspection
And imagine it sitting upon your palm
Quite content and very calm
Purring if pur it can
And happy to either sit or stand
(When all have an animal then we will progress)

Chapter one
The Riddlers Tale
Chapter two
The Wind is fickle the Wind is shrill
The Wind blows warm and the Wind blows chill
And on his path around the world
He stings the cheeks of all boys and girls
And he's stolen six innocent folk
Whose shapes were spotted in his cloak
These kidnapped creatures are now in cages
It's up to you to rescue in stages
He's snatched them from the world around
And sets you six riddles to confound
With a click and a flick of his glassy fist
Bolts of ice skewer the earth
Setting six cages strong
And trapping his prisoners inside the turf
Now cross quickly to your first container
Will the riddle be a no brainer?
But if this riddle be too complex
Then these prisoners will be lost to the test
And set to wander over icy plains
Where cockerels spin on weather veins
And the Wild West Wind chases about
And he whips up storms and delivers drought
So thinking caps on and smarts required
For the Wild West Wind wants you fired
And if you can't solve the riddles below
Then perhaps it's the cages that you'll go
And there you'll be trapped for a year and a day
Until that is the next come to play
And run the riddles set in this test
And try and save prisoners from the Wild West
The Wind blows warm and the Wind blows chill
And on his path around the world
He stings the cheeks of all boys and girls
And he's stolen six innocent folk
Whose shapes were spotted in his cloak
These kidnapped creatures are now in cages
It's up to you to rescue in stages
He's snatched them from the world around
And sets you six riddles to confound
With a click and a flick of his glassy fist
Bolts of ice skewer the earth
Setting six cages strong
And trapping his prisoners inside the turf
Now cross quickly to your first container
Will the riddle be a no brainer?
But if this riddle be too complex
Then these prisoners will be lost to the test
And set to wander over icy plains
Where cockerels spin on weather veins
And the Wild West Wind chases about
And he whips up storms and delivers drought
So thinking caps on and smarts required
For the Wild West Wind wants you fired
And if you can't solve the riddles below
Then perhaps it's the cages that you'll go
And there you'll be trapped for a year and a day
Until that is the next come to play
And run the riddles set in this test
And try and save prisoners from the Wild West
Walk towards the long jump pit.