On the door of the maze stands the accused, and all about the good villagers of Dunster and a fair share from further afield are screaming and cajoling him. Mud and dirt are thrown amidst the curses, and the accused is shaking in fear, almost broken by the task ahead. For this is the hanging maze, and a criminal who has been found guilty of theft or worse, must walk this coiled path, for if they can do this, and walk it straight and true all the way to the heart, then in the eyes of the law by the lords of Dunster they can earn their pardon.
For here in the village rather than throwing flax cord about the neck of a criminal after the trial, they also use the maze to divinate whether justice had truly been done.
So today, the trial is over and at the door of the maze stands the guilty party shaking and hunched beneath the screaming and cacophony, for not only the locals are going crazy but the birds are doing so too, beaking and heeling, squawking to and fro, on the frenzy of the day.

Chapter one
Chapter 1

Chapter two
But the boy
But the criminal here is but a boy of perhaps 11 years old, and the noise is terrible for a grown man never mind a child. But justice is justice, he has been found guilty, caught red handed, and it is the noose for him unless he can walk the coiled path without putting a foot wrong.
Oh easy you say, even with dirt and worse being thrown, but I ask you this could you walk the path blind fold? Could you walk it when the clods of earth pound into you from all angles, and the noise itself makes you dizzy, I wonder if any of us could walk the line under those conditions.
But this is the end of the story rather than the beginning, so come with me into the forest and we shall see who is guilty or no.
Oh easy you say, even with dirt and worse being thrown, but I ask you this could you walk the path blind fold? Could you walk it when the clods of earth pound into you from all angles, and the noise itself makes you dizzy, I wonder if any of us could walk the line under those conditions.
But this is the end of the story rather than the beginning, so come with me into the forest and we shall see who is guilty or no.
Walk up the path past the cottages and into the foot of the forest, this is the Deer Park. On your left is a large gate which leads into an open field, pass through this and into the field.Diagonally across the grass (and up the slope) there is a small gate, wide enough for a person, but too small for a cart. This leads into the wood, head over towards it and the next chapter will reveal.